Branding gig economy tech

I love community-driven projects. Here’s how I helped elevate a gig economy tech start up build a more meaningful, and relatable, and memorable brand, called workfree.

Building an impactful brand that is meaningful and memorable

My approach was to start with the brand positioning. What do they stand for? When I stepped in they were talking about frictionless freelancing, but there is something in the frictionless that unintentionally adds friction in your mind. Also being frictionless, or easy to use, is not a usp, it’s not a purpose. It’s a mandatory component in building tech for people.

What I realised is their purpose (which shines when speaking to the founders but doesn’t in their branding) was their mission to create a better work life, it’s in the name work free.

Free undoubtedly comes from freelance (their target audience and reason for being) as what they do is offer a platform for seamless freelance working, building talent pools that clients can easily access and manage. But we realised it’s so much more than that, it’s about building a good, quality, working community. Where working together is a dream. That’s when it became clear, Workfree is about helping people work better, together.

Their usp is a freelance platform built, used and owned by the community. Freelancers in the co-founding team get a piece of the pie, virtual shares for helping out the community, and the platform grow.

For the art direction

The brand is about people, working together, on a platform that facilitates that, makes a smooth working relationship even easier. I was inspired by one of the most personal communication vehicles in the workplace, the sticky notes. I took their original strong brand colours (all they had was a logo, colours and fonts when I joined) and I created more subdued versions that allude to the iconic sticky note. A more simple, almost email-like text style, combined with a handwritten or hand-doodled approach to added personality, warmth and a human touch to a feed filled with sales-y corporate brands and overly polished content that didn’t feel like the dream casual nature of great work relationships. I wanted the content to speak to that ideal, that feeling of “ugh I love working with you, it’s great”.

book a free brand consultation

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+44 7926 714424